06 July 2007

This page is half English, half Greek!!

Well, I made it to Cyprus.. I had a great, amazing, incredible time in Oxford.. Met some good people, and had some lasting alcohol-induced adventures (if you're reading this mom, I'm totally lying.. I was straight sober the entire time. Honest!) OK, now where was I? Oh yeah, my new friends and I went on a pub crawl through Oxford on our last night, which, I think was Wednesday and due to a very friendly bartender, we got pretty, um, what's the word I'm looking for?

Drunk, I think. Yes, the word I am looking for is drunk. Well, more like fall-down drunk (honest mom, I was sober)

Anyway, we finished up and made it to our bus by 4am, each of us leaving in opposite directions, but promising to email..

I made it to the airport and after what seemed like 3 days (it very well might have been, it took forever to get through security, I arrived in Cyprus - which amazingly enough resembles San Diego! It's pretty trippy. I'm sitting here in an internet cafe on the beach, with the Mediterranean ocean about a hundred yards from me and all I can see is things that remind me of SD - warm weather, girls in bikinis, flip-flips, convertibles, girls in bikinis, the ocean, girls in bikinis,

So, last night we had the 'bedding ceremony for my friend Patty (the reason I am here, in case I haven't mentioned it, is because my friend Patty, whom with I worked in NY moved here a few years ago to be with her boyfriend.. Her wedding is tomorrow)..

The currency conversion. Basically, the dollar is horrible as compared nearly every country in Europe, England especially. In Cyprus, it's no different. For every 1.00 American dollar I have, I have .43 Cyprus cents. Damn.

The ceremony was beautiful though. I met a ton of interesting people, had some incredibly tasty Greek food, and drank some sort of red wine that tasted more like fruit juice than wine. And it was chilled. Strange.

So, that's pretty much it for now. We had the day off today so a new friend and I went for a walk down the beach and went shopping in old town (basically an old town with new products). I had a chicken burger for lunch.

Ummmm, What else? Oh yeah..

While we were standing on the pier taking pictures, we were approached by an older couple from Scotland who offered to take our picture - sure, no problem..

Then they gave us great advice on where to go and what to see.. Cool, even better!

Then they offered to take us to lunch (my spidey sense was beginning to tingle).. We declined

Then they offered to take us to the ruins (spidey sense getting stronger).. We said, "no thanks" and they countered with not only taking us to the ruins, but sticking around and waiting for us as we explored the area (forget the spidey sense, the New Yorker in me was suddenly in full alert 'this is weird mode')

We politely declined (again) and they walked away.

Now, without getting to heavily into why we declined, I'll just say that during the conversation, there were several things said (by them) that indicated that if we had gone, we would have found ourselves in a conversation that would have begun with one of the two saying, "so, have you found Jesus?"

I didn't know he was missing.

More later!


This is thao's blog said...

got your msg.. what you need?

Alan said...

sounds like a great time so far! these entries are great. keep 'em up.